OMIC helps companies innovate and grow through access to leading edge science in organic materials.
We offer expertise in bulk, speciality and engineering polymers, oligomers, surfactants, lubricating oils and active ingredients for use in applications as diverse as coatings, electronics, biomaterials, packaging, home and personal care.

Bringing leading edge science to industry
Expertise in soft matter: Complex fluids, Organic electronics, Biomaterials and high performance materials.
"OMIC are quick to understand the issues and to be effective."
Byotrol Ltd

Delivering projects to specification and budget
OMIC offers dedicated resources managed by experienced project leaders
In the period 2003-2014 OMIC carried out over 150 projects for over 75 companies with a total value for the projects in excess of £5m.

Your point of contact to a wealth of knowledge
From consultancy and trouble shooting to long term collaborations.
OMIC can quickly call on a network of experts to solve your problem.

OMIC helps companies innovate and grow through access to leading edge science in organic materials.
We offer expertise in bulk, speciality and engineering polymers, oligomers, surfactants, lubricating oils and active ingredients for use in applications as diverse as coatings, electronics, biomaterials, packaging, home and personal care.
OMIC is a University Innovation Centre for the speciality organic materials and polymer industries, and is bridging the gap between the knowledge which Universities generate and that which businesses need in order to innovate and grow. OMIC has an extensive track record of working with chemical using industries and in the period 2003-2014 OMIC carried out over 150 projects for over 75 companies with a total project value in excess of £5m.
OMIC has dedicated staff and facilities available for collaborative research, and the core of the centre is located in the School of Chemistry at the University of Manchester.
Since 2009 OMIC has been a major partner in the 'Knowledge Centre for Materials Chemistry', which brings together applied materials chemistry at the universities of Bolton, Liverpool, and Manchester, and the molecular modelling capabilities of the Science and Technology Facilities Council at Daresbury:
Latest news in organic optics and electronics:
Job Opportunity Research Associate in Polymer Nanoparticles vacancy is currently advertised within the School of Chemistry. The post is available from as soon as poss... Read more
Athena Swan Support Dr. Marion Wrackmeyer is working with Professor Michael Turner and has been awarded financial support by the School, mediated by the School's Athena S... Read more