OMIC has a long track record of working in collaboration with UK and global industry. In the period 2003-2014 OMIC carried out over 150 projects for over 75 companies with a total value for the projects in excess of £5m. Companies have highlighted a number of unique selling points to OMIC, foremost amongst which are:
- OMIC is a real not a virtual centre - dedicated resources available for industrial collaborators
- Resources include high quality infrastructure and experienced project leaders
- Experienced business manager as a single point of contact
- OMIC responds quickly, against agreed deadlines and deliverables, to the needs of industry with project timescales from days to months and years
- OMIC has built a reputation for delivering projects as specified and on budget.
Mechanisms of engaging with OMIC
OMIC responds promptly to the needs of industry and projects can be tailored to your needs.
Previous projects have involved:
- Consultancy - expert analysis, literature searching, technology scoping.
- Short-term proof of principle or trouble-shooting projects - OMIC has project scientists available for immediate deployment on industry projects. These projects can last from days, weeks to several months and lead to longer-term collaborative projects.
- Longer-term collaborative projects - these may last from six-month to several years and involve postgraduate studentships or postdoctoral research assistants.
- Service work - projects with no new intellectual property, generally involving custom synthesis or analysis.
These projects may be directly funded or supported (in full or partially) by a wide variety of funding mechanisms:
- EPSRC - Longer-term projects addressing fundamental scientific challenges leading to societal impact in the longer term. Industrial CASE postgraduate studentships and research projects.
- Innovate UK - Innovation vouchers and type of grant e.g. SMART Awards.
- Innovate UK Competitions for Feasibility Studies and Collaborative R&D projects
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)
- EU Horizon 2020 competitions